IGW Games

modern code, retro games


Arcade Machine

A post on the arcade machine I’ve brought back to life is now available. I’ve got some details about the basic setup, but if you’ve got any questions about it, feel free to ask. I wasn’t really sure what else to put down.

I’ve also found a little time to re-upload an old mod I made for Garry’s Mod back in the days of the toybox. It’s a silly weapon that fires baby dolls at people. For whatever reason it got some huge fanfare back when I made it in college. It seems to have found a small following again, as well. If you want it, here it is.


New Site!

Hey folks, and welcome to the new cpprograms.net. I’ve moved the site off of my custom CMS and onto WordPress – let me know if you see anything missing. My old CMS is not bad, but it has really been completely eclipsed in features and would need a rewrite to get it back up to date. There are simply better tools out there nowadays. It will still be available on the site, but I’ll no longer be actively maintaining it. The site should still be mostly the same to navigate, and all existing file links should be properly redirected.

I haven’t really added anything new to the site, but I’m always tinkering with something; be it a minecraft plugin, a new website idea, or sometimes more hardware-centric projects. (Expect a post about an Arcade cabinet in the near future) I’m going to try to use this site more actively again as time goes on, but based on the past, I can’t make any promises.

(And yes, we lost all of the old news. Not like there was that much in there. Old site is at old.cpprograms.net if you need it.)

Thanks for visiting!